Cole’s Support

In an effort to aid Cole, a young man who has been struggling with various chronic illnesses for years prior to being partially diagnosed in 2013 at 21 years of age with three deadly Chronic Lyme Pathogens (later testing revealed his body was host to five deadly Lyme Pathogens) and then the additional diagnosis of Mold Biotoxin Illness and Neuroborreliosis/MSIDS (Multiple Systematic Infectious Disease Syndrome) in 2015, friends of the Chapman family organized this fundraising effort in order to provide additional medical treatments necessary for Cole to regain his health completely.

About Cole

Cole was a star athlete (Baseball and Basketball) and Academic State Champion with his Senior Year Basketball Team (Class A State Semi-Finalists with a 28 – 1 record and the highest Academic GPA in Class A at 3.714), who grew up in Stuart, Oklahoma. When he graduated, he was one of the most decorated basketball players to ever sport the Stuart Hornets jersey. However, he had been plagued with severe joint pain and many other ailments since he entered puberty, but when the Chapman’s had Cole evaluated by Sports Medicine and other medical specialists, they were told there was nothing wrong with him. Cole continued playing sports throughout high school without mention of any problems until his second semester of college, at which time the Chapman’s made the decision to withdraw Cole from college and mount a full-time effort to solve his debilitating health problems.

Before and After

Cole’s Support

In an effort to aid Cole, a young man who has been struggling with various chronic illnesses for years prior to being partially diagnosed in 2013 at 21 years of age with three deadly Chronic Lyme Pathogens (later testing revealed his body was host to five deadly Lyme Pathogens) and then the additional diagnosis of Mold Biotoxin Illness and Neuroborreliosis/MSIDS (Multiple Systematic Infectious Disease Syndrome) in 2015, friends of the Chapman family organized this fundraising effort in order to provide additional medical treatments necessary for Cole to regain his health completely.

About Cole

Cole was a star athlete (Baseball and Basketball) and Academic State Champion with his Senior Year Basketball Team (Class A State Semi-Finalists with a 28 – 1 record and the highest Academic GPA in Class A at 3.714), who grew up in Stuart, Oklahoma. When he graduated, he was one of the most decorated basketball players to ever sport the Stuart Hornets jersey. However, he had been plagued with severe joint pain and many other ailments since he entered puberty, but when the Chapman’s had Cole evaluated by Sports Medicine and other medical specialists, they were told there was nothing wrong with him. Cole continued playing sports throughout high school without mention of any problems until his second semester of college, at which time the Chapman’s made the decision to withdraw Cole from college and mount a full-time effort to solve his debilitating health problems.

Before and After

Blood Cell Comparison

Normal Blood Cell vs. Cole’s Blood Cell

Normal Blood Cells Colton's Blood Cells

Fund Raising Goals

For many years, Cole has had an extremely difficult life due to his numerous chronic medical conditions, which will soon require Cole and his mother, Sara, to live away from home for extended periods of time so Cole can receive specialized treatments from his primary physician, Dr. Michael Gerber of Reno NV. Dr.  Gerber’s medical plan is required to assist in Cole’s long-time aspiration to become completely cured of all ailments, which will obviously result in a much higher quality of life than what Cole has been experiencing for the last nine years. This campaign’s objective is to raise the required funding, including the costs of travel, housing, and Dr. Gerber’s targeted medical treatments for each of Cole’s current ailments, to achieve Cole’s health success, after which, relatively inexpensive medical maintenance regimens will continue to allow Cole to be healthy and live a normal life. After being terminal in the summer of 2015 due to Mold Biotoxin Poisoning and all other ailments, Cole’s story has been of one miracle after miracle, and specifically a testament to Cole’s incredibly hard work daily which requires him to adhere to extremely strict medical and dietary protocols without deviation. The Chapman family is very grateful for all support received in the past and they have been truly blessed by all of the support Cole has received thus far in his life.

Current Trailer

New Goal Trailer

Donate to Cole’s Road to Recovery

During this very difficult health journey, Cole has made tremendous progress and we are very enthusiastic and hopeful for his continued and full health recovery.  With your help and always ongoing work by the Chapman family and others, we will ensure that Cole will continue to receive the best care possible and eventually permanently reclaim his health!


Thank you and blessings to all for any consideration.

Keep Up With Cole